Ken Burns says Sarah Palin is ‘supremely unqualified’

The popular historian/documentary film maker describes McCain’s running mate selection as “cynical.”

Like many political addicts/observers, I was shocked when John McCain hastily selected Sarah Palin as his running mate.  I totally lost sleep the night the Alaskan Governor gave her acceptance address at this year’s RNC in Minneapolis.  Between her naming and acceptance it was already clear that Palin’s resume was -putting it kindly – thin.  The speech was pure political theater, packed with crap designed to rally the base, and it was delivered in a – again, kindly – sarcastic tone. (continued below Daily Show clip)

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I’m sleeping better now that the Palin/convention bump in the polls has faded, and while the McCain team has effectively sheltered her from MSM scrutiny, the top of the ticket is keeping the campaign compettitive, they are only doing so by spouting half-truths and outrigt lies.  It is not a sustainable strategy.

Now my sleep will improve further thanks, mostly, to the below article (excerpt below).  Paul Gough describes Burns, whose comments were solicited at panel discussion associated with this week’s Emmy Awards, as appearing firm in his assessment.  I don’t always buy in to historian commentary when present or future events are at issue, but in this case, I believe Burns is spot on.  Historians – or any astute observers willing to focus beyond the MSM lens – are perfectly qualified to recognize that Sarah Palin is not the caricature presented and protected by the GOP.

From the September 22, 2008 post by, Paul J. Gough:

“He (McCain) selected someone who is so supremely unqualified to be a heartbeat away from the presidency and he has turned the selection process into a high school popularity contest and an ‘American Idol’ competition,” Burns said. He said that McCain made a “cynical” pick in what he said was the most important decision of his presidential candidacy.

Burns, whose lifelong work is in American history, said that “in the whole history of the Republic there has been no one with as thin a credential” as Palin. He said it was, for McCain, a “Hail Mary pass” that will be decided in November…

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Related Video:  If you have 12 minutes to spare, view the below clip.  In it, Lawrence Lesig compares Palin’s experience to every American Vice President.

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