The Raw Story: Robert McNamara deceived LBJ on Gulf of Tonkin, documents show

Exclusive from The Raw Story by Gareth Porter, 8 July 2009:

The secret was his deliberate deceit of President Lyndon B. Johnson on Aug. 4, 1964 regarding the alleged attack on US warships in the Gulf of Tonkin.

Documents which have been available for decades in the LBJ Library show clearly that McNamara failed to inform Johnson that the U.S. naval task group commander in the Tonkin Gulf, Captain John J. Herrick, had changed his mind about the alleged North Vietnamese torpedo attack on U.S. warships he had reported earlier that day…  Read More

Tortured by the past – Los Angeles Times

A Vietnam era interrogator discusses his interrogation experiences during that war making the point that brutality is a slippery slope that must be guarded against.

From the LA Times 27 April 2009 post, by Frank Knepp:

The most he gave up were false tidbits of a well-crafted cover story. Only when confronted with captured confederates who could identify him, and captured photographs showing him with Ho Chi Minh, did he confess his identity. It was good old-fashioned research and analysis, not torture, that first dented his armor.

read more | digg story

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